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How can we help?
We are a wholesale nursery that sells to retail nurseries and landscape businesses. We ask that if you are an individual that is looking to enhance your world with trees, that you first contact your local retailer and let them know that we have the trees that are of interest to you.
Shipping is available to the Western United States and beyond. We can not ship Malus or Prunus to our Canadian customers at this time.
What we grow.
We specialize in quality trees suitable for the North American climate. We grow many varieties of Deciduous, Conifers and Fruit Trees.
Crabapples, Willows, Ash, Sub-alpine, Apple, Cherry, Pear and so many more, fill our field. Take a look around and see what we may be able to help you with.
Office / Cell Phone: 208-267-3020
Mail: 3040 District Two Rd
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805O
BONNERS FERRY NURSERY is a Licensed Idaho and Wyoming State Nursery and a Member of the Montana Nursery & Landscape Association
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